If you get Error Code 0xc004f050:
This error is likely caused because you are trying to activate a Windows Professional key with Windows Home edition, or vice versa. To get around this issue you must first upgrade or re-install windows and THEN activate the key you purchased.
If you purchased Windows Professional Edition:
Can you please check and make absolutely sure that you're activating your key on Windows Professional Edition, and NOT Windows Home edition?
If you purchased Windows Home Edition:
Can you please check and make absolutely sure that you're activating your key on Windows Home Edition, and NOT Windows Professional edition?
By entering the key into the wrong version of windows it will simply trigger an activation error - it will not automatically upgrade. To upgrade your version of Windows, for example from Home to Pro, you must first upgrade or re-install yourself and THEN activate the key once the version of windows which you purchased has been installed.
Error code 0xc004c008:
Error 0xc004c008 means the key was used maximum number of times.
- You need to Create complaint case
- Press Claim Replacement on the ticket panel to issue a replacement
- Tell the customer to please wait, as we will issue a replacement key to them.
Error code 0x800f0805:
Error code 0x800f0805 means the customer was probably trying to upgrade from an older version of Windows or upgrade from Windows home edition. The customer should first install the version of Windows for which he purchased (professional or Home) and activate the key once he has installed it. (I.E upgrade Windows first, and THEN activate the key.
Error code 0xc004f050 when activating:
The customer is on windows 10 home trying to upgrade to windows 10 pro. They need to install fresh windows 10 pro if this is the case. The same applies for windows 11.
Send Macro: “Windows 10 / 11 activation error FAQ”
Error code 0xC004C060 when activating:
The key is invalid. We need to open case with supplier and assure the customer that we will refund him to credit.
Error code 0x803fa067: {
If Windows 10 Home is installed on your PC and you purchased a product key for the Windows 10 Pro edition, proceed as follows to activate it:
- In the Windows Settings app, go to “Update & Security” and open the “Activation” page. On this page, you’ll see a product key link.
You can enter the new product key in the “Activation” section of the Windows Settings app. - In the next window, enter the product key that you received when you purchased your Windows 10 Pro edition.
- Finally, click Start: Additional features of Windows 10 Pro will be activated. This can take some time and then the system will restart.
Windows will display error code 0x803fa067 during this process if it fails to activate your new Windows edition. If error 0x803fa067 appears, you can use the following simple trick to upgrade to Windows 10 Pro: Before clicking “Start” in the last window, disable your network connection. To do this, disconnect the network cable from your PC or turn off an active Wi-Fi connection. Next, click the button to start the upgrade. Once Windows automatically restarts and the upgrade is completed, reconnect your device to the network. If successful, you won’t get the 0x803fa067 error. If this all fails, then try activation by telephone activation.
Shouldn't there be a link to create a complaint case on this webpage? It isn't on the “Contact” page, either. Needlessly difficult. How do I actually raise a complaint to get a replacement key?
Furthermore, why are you selling keys which have already been used?
yep been waiting near on 3 weeks now… sent the correct screenshots then they tried saying i was missing 2 (which i already sent ) they say they have the codes in stock yet they need to speak to a supplier , erm which is it….. complete scam artists…. already been in touch with my bank who are now having the fraud team look into this site for stealing money, EVERYONE should do the same
guarantee if i sent a support ticket now they would reply to it within a couple hours, then close the ticket straight away and not reply to the other for over a week
Buyer beware! If you have problems with the key, they will try to put you off until you give up. No matter how many proofs and screenshots you provide.
So it's BETTER NOT TO BUY HERE!!! Unfortunately, that's fraud if the key doesn't work. And don’t forget to REPORT THE FRAUD!!!
seems no way to create a complaint case
- activation failed - created a ticket, uploaded screen shots and get told by support to contact support who will tell me how to create a complaint case
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