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How to solve Windows 10 / Windows 11 activation error 0xc004f050 / 0xC004C060 / 0x800f0805 / 0xc004c008 / 0x803fa067



  • Permanently deleted user

    Shouldn't there be a link to create a complaint case on this webpage? It isn't on the “Contact” page, either. Needlessly difficult. How do I actually raise a complaint to get a replacement key?

    Furthermore, why are you selling keys which have already been used?

  • Permanently deleted user

    yep been waiting near on 3 weeks now… sent the correct screenshots then they tried saying i was missing 2 (which i already sent ) they say they have the codes in stock yet they need to speak to a supplier , erm which is it….. complete scam artists…. already been in touch with my bank who are now having the fraud team look into this site for stealing money, EVERYONE should do the same


    guarantee if i sent a support ticket now they would reply to it within a couple hours, then close the ticket straight away and not reply to the other for over a week

  • Cobaincase

    Buyer beware! If you have problems with the key, they will try to put you off until you give up. No matter how many proofs and screenshots you provide. 

    So it's BETTER NOT TO BUY HERE!!! Unfortunately, that's fraud if the key doesn't work. And don’t forget to REPORT THE FRAUD!!!

  • Robert Battram

    seems no way to create a complaint case

     - activation failed - created a ticket, uploaded screen shots and get told by  support to contact support who will tell me how to create a complaint case 



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