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Xbox VPN Activation Guide - getting region errors?



  • Cobaincase

    Buyer beware! If you have problems with the key, they will try to put you off until you give up. No matter how many proofs and screenshots you provide. 

    So it's BETTER NOT TO BUY HERE!!! Unfortunately, that's fraud if the key doesn't work. And don’t forget to REPORT THE FRAUD!!!

  • Christian Sutherland

    Refund me  

  • Steve Kirkwood

    avoid this company - if there is an issue with your key they will completely ignore any support contact.

    they sold be a pre used key and then did anything they could to avoid refunding.. Luckily my credit card company refunded me - but this CJSCDKEYS will try and scam you!


  • Bitmania

    TRUFFATORI!! Mi hanno mandato una chiave impossibile da riscattare e non rispondono più nemmeno ai messaggi tanto meno per il rimborso. NON COMPRATE MAI DA QUESTI LADRI. avvierò la procedura per la frode informatica. 

  • Tony Vincent

    I would avoid these, worked in the past with no issues but have an issue and their support is bad. They do not respond to their tickets and yet to have my key/refund due to Nigeria being blocked by MS for VPN activation.


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